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Under Stress? Learn 5 Ways to Improve Your Wellbeing

From the pandemic tics, we live in stressful times. In fact, the American Psychological Association (APA) reported last year that “Nearly 2 in 3 adults (65%) say the current amount of uncertainty in our nation causes them stress. Further, 3 in 5 (60%) say the number of issues America faces currently is overwhelming to them.”

Older adults have the benefit of wisdom and experience, so they may be faring better than the young, but chronic stress can be more damaging for seniors—physically, mentally and emotionally. That’s why Montereau’s Life Enrichment and Vitality programming focus on wellness in all its dimensions, to keep our residents healthy in body, mind and spirit.

If you are feeling chronic stress, here are 5 tips from our Life Enrichment team to relax and get your health under control.

  1. Exercise every day. Much of your stress may stem from lack of time, of having too many things to do at once, but it’s nonetheless critical that you take time out of your day to get the blood flowing. Even if it is a 20-minute walk, exercise improves a number of health problems, from high blood pressure to arthritis. Also, research continually shows the psychological benefit of exercise, reducing rates of depression and anxiety.
  2. Eat well. We’ve all been there. We’ve all reached for that second cookie after lunch, only to be fatigued all afternoon. The correlation between diet and mood is uncanny. Lean protein, a bounty of fruits and vegetables, and a limit to sweets and fats keep you feeling your best, which helps keep mean old Mr. Stress away.
  3. Socialize often. In the senior living industry, we at Montereau see all the research that indicates loneliness is an epidemic and a major source of stress. While friendships can be hard to maintain in adulthood, it’s important to spend time regularly with friends and loved ones. In fact, one of the biggest draws for an independent living community is the active social life, from clubs and happy hours to walking buddies.
  4. Keep up with medical appointments. Letting your health get away from you is one of the most stressful experiences. Whether it’s an annual physical with your primary care doctor to measure a baseline for your bloodwork and vitals, or twice-yearly dental screening, or an annual visit with the dermatologist to keep an eye on freckles and sun spots, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
  5. Cultivate a low-stress mindset. Mind over matter: the brain has an amazing ability to rewire itself. Simply taking a moment to consciously slow your breathing can reduce stress in the moment. In the long run, taking up yoga, drinking a cup of calming tea, or taking up a new hobby can help reduce your overall stress load.

If you join us at Montereau, we are here to help you relax, socialize, stay well and enjoy all that retirement has to offer. Stress may be part of life, but there’s nothing like taking charge of your life and feeling better!

At Montereau, we’re here to help you navigate this time. For additional information on locating resources, give us a call today at 918-495-1500.