Montereau's Latest

The Mask Crusaders

The Montereau Mask Makers have made masks into the hottest fashion accessory at Montereau!

Masks are now an unavoidable part of the “new normal” and as the Mask Makers have shown, they can be a fun way to show off one’s personality.  

The group was created during the pandemic when resident Nancy Stainer was asked if she would be interested in making masks for others to wear. She immediately agreed and got busy reaching out to other sewers who quickly jumped on board. Not only did it provide others with an activity to curb quarantine boredom, it was a useful way to spend time to benefit others in the long-run.

At first, supplies were difficult to come by, but once their resources were pooled together through donations and purchased supplies from Montereau, they were on their way! The first masks were made of material that was donated by residents and lovingly put together by Nancy Stainer, Marlys Dow and several others.

The masks have evolved over the weeks and months, and each Mask Maker has a preferred method of assembly. All masks produced by this group have three layers made of cotton with non-woven interfacing in between. Some masks use elastic ear loops, some use ties, so there is something for every mask preference!

To date, more than 2000 masks have been made! They are distributed free-of-charge to residents and employees of Montereau. Donations are encouraged to offset the cost of materials, but certainly are not required.

Marlys felt it was important to signify the contributions of the Mask Makers, and she has encouraged everyone making masks to cut a 4” by 4” piece of fabric in all the patterns that were used to create the masks. Currently, there will be enough fabric to make three quilts! In the coming months, the group will assemble the quilts as a reminder of this time and how people banded together to make sure that fellow neighbors and employees of Montereau were protected.

Montereau is making a difference! We were one of the first groups to collectively wear masks, and now Tulsa is following suit with the recent city mandate. Wearing masks has been scientifically proven to protect those around us from the Covid-19 virus, and we appreciate your willingness to continue this practice in our community.

At Montereau, we’re here to help you navigate this time. For additional information on locating resources, give us a call today at 918-495-1500.