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Friendships Are the Spice of Life for Older Adults

Retirement is an exciting journey, and as with any new journey, you have the opportunity to meet new people and create strong bonds from shared experiences. Every year, thousands of Americans make the move to a senior living community, searching not only for a more relaxed lifestyle and quality care, but also new friendships and meaningful connections.

Here at Montereau, one of the many things that make us unique is the friendly atmosphere and the exciting residents who become fast friends. When you move in, you have ample opportunities to interact and make new friends through new resident meet-and-greet events, social groups, scheduled outings and more.

As resident Jean said recently, “When we were deciding whether to come here or not, I noticed that everyone speaks to you – not just residents, but staff members as well. You won’t pass anyone who doesn’t greet you with a friendly, ‘Hello,’ or give a nod and say, ‘How are you doing today?’ It just made a marvelous impression on us.”

As you gear up for your next great adventure, here are a few tips for making the friendships of a lifetime at Montereau:

  1. Join the party: Choose from a number of options on campus and commit to any new activity for at least a few months. This will allow you to get to know others over a period of time by presenting more opportunities for a connection that goes beyond surface-level conversations.
  2. Lead with a smile: We’ve always heard that first impressions are lasting and that rings true even today. Leading with a smile and open body language will make you more approachable and increase your chances of interacting with others. Therefore, this gives you a greater chance of meeting new people who can eventually become your friends.  
  3. Join a group or team: Groups and teams that bring people together over a shared interest always make for an enjoyable time. Regardless of how much you know, there’s always something to learn. Sign up today, start meeting others and forge meaningful connections.
  4. Enjoy activities at Montereau and beyond: Social events for seniors on campus are as varied as your interests so there’s always something to do. Play a game of poker, billiards or Wii together. Or, gather a group of friends and head into Downtown Tulsa for dinner, a show or some shopping. Since Montereau is located in the heart of Tulsa, there is always something to do in the neighborhood!

At Montereau, we’re a tight-knit and friendly group committed to making the most of retirement. We know that social activities are the spice of life, so join us to see what’s cooking today!

At Montereau, we’re here to help you navigate this time. For additional information on locating resources, give us a call today at 918-495-1500.