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Daylight Savings is Approaching: 5 Sleep Tips for Seniors

When it comes to caring for your health there’s one area that often goes unchecked and that’s sleep. However, good sleep is crucial for optimal health. Research compiled by the Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School states that getting enough high-quality sleep may be just as important to health and well-being as nutrition and exercise.

At the same time, our sleep patterns change with age. You may find that you’re experiencing sleep problems in late adulthood due to lifestyle changes and a number of factors. One such factor is daylight savings which means resetting your 24-hour natural cycle or circadian rhythm. Rest assured knowing that our holistic approach to wellness at Montereau will help you to care for all aspects of your health. 

While daylight savings can feel like a mild case of jet lag that throws you off for days, here are six sleep tips to make this year’s transition easier.  

1. Keep a Regular Sleep Routine

Older adults who have trouble sleeping can reduce their difficulties with a regular sleep routine. It gets your body used to what to expect at night and helps you to fall asleep faster. Naturally, you fall into the habit of going to bed and waking up at roughly the same time every day. This is especially useful for those who may have to adjust after retiring from a job that involved working on a shift-based system. Establish a routine that works for you and try your best to stick to it.  

2. Prepare a Sleep-Friendly Environment

Preparing a sleep-friendly environment is one of the best ways to enjoy a good night’s rest. Unless recommended otherwise, this does not mean long-term melatonin use which may have lasting side effects. Instead, try natural sleep remedies such as warm milk and honey or lavender. This may also include factors such as ensuring you have a clean room, a comfortable mattress and even little-to-no light.

3. Avoid Caffeine After 2:00 p.m.

It can take as much as 10 hours for caffeine to completely clear from your system.To avoid insomnia as a result of the stimulating effect of caffeine, it’s best not to consume it after 2:00 p.m. If you’re used to enjoying a hot beverage in the evening, try herbal teas or other caffeine-free alternatives.

4. Don’t Exercise Right Before Bed

There’s no doubt that exercise can help to promote good sleep, however, exercising right before bed will actually produce the opposite result. That’s because exercising gets you energized and causes an increase in hormones like adrenaline which affects your body’s sleep cycle. Instead, stick to bedtime stretches and deep breathing exercises that will help you to fall asleep faster and improve the quality of your rest.

5. Create a Tech-Free Zone

Melatonin is the hormone that controls your sleep cycle. The blue light emitted by tech devices such as cell phones, televisions and tablets inhibit the production of this hormone causing you to remain awake. It can be tempting to turn to a device when you can’t sleep but you’d actually be putting yourself in a dangerous cycle. Aim to create a tech-free zone at least half-hour before going to bed.  

Nothing should stop you from getting a good night’s rest. Join us at Montereau to benefit from our holistic approach to wellness and wide range of health services. Schedule a tour today!

At Montereau, we’re here to help you navigate this time. For additional information on locating resources, give us a call today at 918-495-1500.