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Utilizing New Technology for Fall Prevention

Our goal at Montereau is to support our residents by providing opportunities that maximize their quality of life. One way we do this is by embracing new technology in senior care. In this vein, the Therapy department recently acquired “VirtuSense” technology, also known as VSTBalance, as part of a nationwide Select Therapy effort. This is an exciting new addition because research shows it is one of the best ways to detect falls before they even happen!


What is VirtuSense?

VirtuSense, also known as VSTBalance (VSTB), is an artificial intelligence-driven system that helps reduce fall-risk by assessing deficits in balance, gait, and function that could contribute to a fall.


How can you see this technology benefitting Montereau residents?

The Select Therapy team using VSTB technology will help serve the Montereau residents by generating objective data to identify an individual’s risk of falling and developing a personalized plan of care to address specific problem areas. By taking this proactive approach to fall prevention, Montereau residents will remain active longer, maintain mobility and independence, and prevent risk of future falls.


How long is the screening assessment and what feedback does it provide?

VSTBalance screenings typically last 10 to 15 min and will address the three main areas of fall risk: 1. Balance, 2. Gait, and 3. Function. After the screening, a therapist will discuss the results of the screening so the resident understands their risk of falling.


What is involved in the Virtusense screening process?

A member of the therapy team will administer fall-risk assessments that assess each area of fall risk to identify areas of concern. Depending on the assessments the therapist selects, a resident may be asked to walk up to 12feet, perform a standing reaching test, or assess the resident going from a sitting to a standing position. If an individual uses a walker or cane, that’s ok! The device even has an assessment that addresses sitting balance for those who are in a wheelchair. It is very accessible and adaptive so that it’s beneficial for any resident!


How is this better than the traditional screening process?

Using the VSTBalance device to detect risk of falls enhances the traditional screening process by objectively generating information for residents to review to see each problem area and their percentage of fall risk. The balance assessment is no longer subjective based on what a therapist may or may not see with the naked eye. VSTB provides technical data to predict fall risk more precisely and accurately.


What are the benefits of utilizing VSTBalance?

 The benefits of using VSTBalance are many! By using VSTBalance with your Select Therapist, Montereau residents will learn their risk of falling and take a proactive approach to prevent falls before they occur.


Therapists will create a personalized treatment plan to address concerns while using state of the art, interactive biofeedback training games that residents love. These training games include many fun options including interactive skiing games, a veggie slicer game, and even memory games that challenge residents’ thinking for an even greater balance challenge. Throughout the therapy process, ongoing VSTBalance assessments are given to track improvements and to continue to address areas of concern.

Who can be screened?

Anyone can be screened using VSTBalance. No matter your age, current mobility, or level of independence, your risk of falling can be detected by participating in a short fall risk assessment.


Can anyone call and set up an appointment? What is the cost?

Yes! Anyone is welcome to call and set up a free fall-risk assessment to learn your risk of falling. By participating in a VSTBalance screening, residents are not obligated to participate in therapy, but they may choose to participate in therapy and may even be eligible for therapy through their insurance. Following a VSTBalance screening, results can be sent directly to the resident’s physician, as well, if they so desire.


Participating in a VSTBalance screening is simple! Residents can set up an appointment for a free fall-risk assessment by calling (918) 491-5261.


At Montereau, we’re here to help you navigate this time. For additional information on locating resources, give us a call today at 918-495-1500.

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