Two Extraordinary Awards Earned from LeadingAge Oklahoma
This summer, LeadingAge Oklahoma, will present its annual awards – including two awards for some very special people at Montereau!
What We Know About Healthy Aging
Research has found that making key changes to live healthier can prolong life expectancy by as much as 10 years. See some tips for healthy aging
Self-Care for Caregivers
If you’re under stress or looking to improve your quality of life, consider the following questions to incorporate self-care into your lifestyle
Utilizing New Technology for Fall Prevention
Our goal at Montereau is to support our residents, and one way we do this is by embracing new technology in senior care.
What should senior men look for in a retirement community?
When looking for a retirement home, you want the perfect blend of freedom and autonomy. Here are a few things senior men should look for in one
Know the symptoms of a stroke and act ‘F.A.S.T’
Beyond routine screenings for blood pressure and diabetes, it’s vital to know about strokes is the acronym F.A.S.T., a key to early detection and treatment
Resident Spotlight: Mary Snider Has Music in Her Heart
There isn’t much that Mary hasn’t accomplished musically with her cello by her side! Click to read about Mary Snider’s love for music
Tulsa Named One of 7 Great Places to Retire
Kiplinger’s Personal Finance named Tulsa as one of seven great places to retire! Read the full article here.
It’s summer! Here are ways to have fun as an older adult
Summer is going fast but we’ve still got time for a nice vacation. Here are a few staycation ideas for older adults
Creativity and Healthy Aging: Finding Creative Fulfillment at Any Age
There are endless ways to live a creatively fulfilling life during your golden years. And here are a few you can consider