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4 Ways Montereau Helps You Fight Arthritis

We all know the aches in our joints in cold weather or the stiffness in our backs first thing in the morning. As we age, these aches and pains may evolve into arthritis — caused by an inflammation of the joints. While common in seniors, arthritis varies from mild joint annoyances from wearing out cartilage to severe pain from degradation or past traumas.

Although serious cases may require medical intervention, many lifestyle and at-home treatments can help mitigate pain from mild arthritis, ranging from non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) such as ibuprofen to a daily exercise regimen. At Montereau, our Vitality program, wellness offerings and campus amenities all cater to the physical needs of older adults.

“Every day is a new day at Montereau,” explained Kristen Schooley, Director of Wellness. “Each day gives our residents the chance to be as active as they like. They can get up early for a fitness class or spend the day relaxing with a good book from our library. We have endless opportunities to take care of your wellness, from fitness classes and coaching to our marvelous fitness center.” 

As Schooley explained, these opportunities all serve the whole individual—wellness in every dimension. When it comes to the aches and pains, she noted that four amenities in particular may help residents manage their arthritis:

Physician’s office on-site: Regular wellness visits are vital for everyone but particularly for seniors. In addition to annual screenings and bloodwork, Montereau’s onsite physician can offer a medical diagnosis of arthritis and counsel on the best ways to treat it.

Fitness center with heated pool. Whether it’s swimming laps or water aerobics, getting up and getting moving is often the best therapy to loosen up the joints and ease the pain of arthritis. Our heated indoor pool means you can swim laps every day of the year!

Physical therapy. For more severe cases of arthritis, a short- or long-term physical therapy program may be in order. Our licensed therapists can support you with a range of exercises and activities for pain management.

Healthy dining: No discussion of wellness would be complete without mention of our delightful dining opportunities, including heart-healthy menus and an abundance of fruits, vegetables and antioxidant-rich foods that may lessen inflammation.

As the Arthritis Foundation explains, the best strategy for arthritis pain management is to stay active, stay healthy and stay positive. At Montereau, we are here to help you do all three—and make it fun! To learn more about our community, contact us for a consultation or visit. Be well!

At Montereau, we’re here to help you navigate this time. For additional information on locating resources, give us a call today at 918-495-1500.