Montereau's Latest

New Experiences for a New Year

You’ve likely heard the phrase “New Year, New You” in reference to the way January offers a brilliant opportunity to set some new resolutions and make the most of the 365 days in front of us.

At Montereau, we are continually looking to keep our community fun and our service fresh, so instead of resolutions for a “new you,” we prefer to think about “new experiences.” While we always offer a steady stream of consistent favors, from happy hours to yoga classes, we also believe it’s our charge to offer residents a variety of new and exciting opportunities to make the most of every day, every month, and every year.

Variety Is the Spice of Life

It’s no accident that “variety” sounds like “vitality.” Our Vitality wellness programming is an essential component of how we keep it fresh at Montereau. You might think of wellness in terms of physical well-being—and new experiences certainly can help optimize your physical health. But wellness is also about mental health, emotional health, spiritual health and intellectual health. We meet regularly as a team to ensure our programs offer something for all of these dimensions of wellness.

New experiences at Montereau include:

  • Lifelong learning: Sustain your brain health with classes and lectures, both on campus and off!
  • Creative endeavors: Take a dance class, learn Tai Chi, or try your hand at painting. Every day is a new chance to get creative.
  • Special events: From adventure tours and day trips to museum outings or spa days, we offer hundreds of events around the year to keep our residents busy and active.

As any resident will tell you, one of the best things about life here is that if you don’t see it on the schedule, let us know your interest and we are here to make it happen!

10 Ways to Shake up the New Year

As you’re thinking about spicing up your year, it doesn’t take a climb up Mount Everest or a cruise through the Galapagos Islands to give yourself a boost. Here are 10 easy things you can do right now to shake things up and enjoy a dose of excitement:

  1. Take a different route to work.
  2. Learn a new recipe for dinner each week.
  3. Have breakfast for dinner (or dinner for breakfast).
  4. Take a course on something new.
  5. Try your hand at watercolor.
  6. Write a hand-written letter to an old friend.
  7. Get dressed up for a night in.
  8. Learn a new game.
  9. Meditate.
  10. Block off your calendar for an hour of day-dreaming.

We have so many possibilities for 2022. Let’s get started!

At Montereau, we’re here to help you navigate this time. For additional information on locating resources, give us a call today at 918-495-1500.