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7 Ways to Stay Active this Winter

We all know the right things to do for our health: eat nutritious foods, sleep well and exercise regularly. But in the winter, it can feel especially challenging to get out and keep moving. Frigid mornings and icy conditions can trap us indoors, getting much less movement than usually.

Not only do we need the exercise, but also the fresh air and sunshine. Psychology Today reports that times outdoors has “significant mental health benefits.” Another study in the Journal of Leisure Research, confirmed that “spending time outdoors, and especially participating in outdoor activities, can lead to a variety of positive mental health outcomes.”

At Montereau, we promote an active lifestyle, which doesn’t stop in the winter. Our full-time Vitality wellness program staffers have created something for everyone! We support your whole self so you feel good in body, mind and spirit.

Here are 7 tips to help you keep moving in winter:

  1. Take a walk. Schedule a walk with a friend on a regular basis, or walk alone and enjoy a podcast or audio book through headphones. Walking has so many benefits, including increased heart and lung fitness, reduced risk of heart disease and stroke, improved management of high blood pressure, stronger bones and improved balance.
  2. Try a movement class. Whether you prefer tai chi, balance, core, dance or some other class, you will something you enjoy at Montereau. During COVID restrictions, many activities are now by appointment to limit group gatherings. We also offer personal fitness coaching.
  3. Go for a swim. Our aquatics facilities allow you to get a great workout with minimal impact on your joints. Use of the facilities at this time is by appointment.
  4. Get vaccinated. To stay active, take preventative measures. Get your flu shot and keep up with regular wellness visits to head off illness before it starts.
  5. Dress warmly. Wear layers to help you regulate your body temperature as you move from cozy living rooms to cold outdoors to drafty spaces. Don’t forget your footwear: If it’s wet, be sure to wear something waterproof.
  6. Get creative. Winter offers the chance to clean out the garden, plant some pansies or cabbage or set up an easel to paint outside on a nice day. Take a hike and go birdwatching. This is a wonderful time of year to take up a new hobby.
  7. Try something new indoors. Check out a yoga video or develop an indoor workout routine. If you don’t want to go outdoors, you can find a plethora of exercise options online — some are paid and some are offered for free (be sure to read the fine print!). Use hand weights and stretch bands, which are easy to store.

While these colder days can feel like a good time to hibernate, we all need to stay active. At Montereau, we want to support your health and well-being. Let us know how we can help!

At Montereau, we’re here to help you navigate this time. For additional information on locating resources, give us a call today at 918-495-1500.